The cry is out!  HELP US!  Animals everywhere are suffering the horrors of abuse, and YOU can help!  YOU CAN DO SO MUCH!!!  PLEASE DON'T TURN YOUR BACK TO THE ANIMAL CRUELTY!!!


Donating is one of the helpful things YOU can do!  You may think, "Alot of people donate, so why should I?  It's just wasting good money...right?"  WRONG ANSWER!!!  "Oh, people are so cruel, and WE need to do more to help them!"  is the CORRECT ANSWER!!!  YOU can donate time, money, effort, care, and support!!!  Believe me, the animals need all the help they can get! 


Animals need our help in cruelty and neglect problems.  If you turn your back to a neglect or cruelty case, then you are commiting Animal Cruelty and/or Neglect!  If you see a cruelty or neglect issue, contact the authorities about it!  Don't let it get to the point where the animal dies, or is severely injured!  Don't be guilty, thinking, "I could have helped that animal to live, or live better..."  If you don't mind, then you're not kind!  Care about the animals!  Love them!  HELP THEM!